Wednesday, July 23, 2014


Obesity is one of the major problem people are facing nowadays. Because of obesity, other problems related to health also occur. To lose the extra body fat, first try to change the life style and eating habits. There are many options introduced in the market for weight loss. Homemade remedies are easy to follow and affect would be more and efficient.


• Green tea is used to burn the fat content in the body. Drink three cups of green tea every day to lose weight fast. Green tea is one of the most effective tips for weight loss.
• Tomato helps in controlling the calories. Take 2 tomatoes every day in the breakfast which helps in restricting the calorie intake.
• Cabbage is referred as a negative calorie food which mainly helps to burn unwanted fat in the body. Take cabbage every day in meals for better results. Cabbage salad is also preferable.
• Eat grown curry leaves every day for 3 to 4 months. This helps in faster weight loss. The leaves to be taken must be 10 or 12.

• Mix honey and lime in lukewarm water. Drink this mixture every morning for the reduction of cholesterol in the body.
• Avoid eating rice, potatoes, wheat, and grain, sugar in coffee and tea and maize. It is better to avoid ghee, butter, cheese, sweet potato in diet. These items help to increase cholesterol in the body.
• Don’t take more carbohydrates contained food it slowly increases the weight of the person without supplying proteins and nutrients to the body.
• Last thing among all tips is exercise, extremely important thing to do in weight loss process. Mild physical exercises would helps to decrease fat content in body.

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